Friday, February 5, 2021

Sprint #2 Delivery


 Sprint #2 Delivery

    This Week I wanted to tackle the outside trees for the beginning sequence. The shots show a beautiful night time forest full of trees, Which was the challenge for this week. I wanted to get the same look of the forest without having to add individual trees and make it so expensive.

I began with doing what I do best as a novice modeler and extruded some cylinders. I was able to make, what eventually would become the outside forest, and I modeled some simple trees for the closer parts of the forest. The two main trees that I saw were these normal dead looking trees, and birch trees.

I very quickly Textured my trees in Photoshop file, and used those files for now to apply the textures in the model so That I could place them in Maya and render them with Arnold for the cylinder texture.

This was the results of rendering the trees together to create the texture of the cylinder, which will be used to create the illusion of a dense forest later on in engine.

I liked how all the textures looked so I brought them into engine, and created a material for each three meshes. For the forest mesh, I added a texture opacity around the trees, so that the trees looked like actual models. 

Here are the Meshes textured in Engine.

Finally I placed the meshes around the space to make the scene look like a forest around the tombstone. I also added some lighting to match the scene a little better (although this is still very much rough lighting)

And here is the final results!!!

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